Course closes in:
Give me 5 minutes and I'll show you the six unusual daily habits of five people that lost over 100 pounds in less than 12 months and kept it off years later.
... Introducing the healthy weight loss system for busy parents and professionals, that boosts energy, and doesn't involve calorie counting, hunger, or fad diets.
The healthy, holistic "habits" system that works:
... Even as a busy mother
... Even if you're unmotivated and wonder if it's even worth trying again
... Even if you've failed before and have been yo-yo dieting for 10, 20 or 30 years...
You Already Know All the Obvious Weight Loss Tips... So Why Don't You Have Your Dream Body?
Why is it that, despite the fact that we have a pretty good idea of what we should be doing to be healthy and lose weight, most of us just end up feeling like this:
“I just guess I need more willpower.”
I guess I need to have more willpower. I know that I’m not lazy, but I feel lazy when I have to go to the gym or when I think about to start a new diet or so. But don’t know the cue that make it start, or dont have paid attention. – Laura T.
“I know that my lifestyle of bad eating habits, lack of movement in my job and lack of sleep contributes… but the longest I stayed on one diet was four weeks… and then went back to my old ways.”
I know that my lifestyle of bad eating habits, lack of movement(outside my job; I have a moderately physically job at UPS), and lack of sleep is contributing to my poor health. However, I tried to change my eating. I tried Paleo, low-carb, conventional diets. The longest I stayed on one diet was four weeks, and fizzled out and went back to my old ways. – Sarah, G.
“…I basically fall into the failure-doomed cycle of wanting to lose weight, making up my mind to exercise more and eat less…and after a few weeks get discouraged and say ‘screw it’. And then start all over again.”
So I basically fall into the failure-doomed cycle of wanting to lose weight, making my mind up to exercise more and eat less, creating a regimen and vowing to stick to it, succeeding for a few weeks or possibly months, seeing little to no results, getting discouraged, saying “screw it,” and then starting the cycle all over again a couple weeks later. – Mark, J
How did it ever get this bad then?
You know all the typical suggestions that websites and tv shows have – eat less, move more, eat more plants. But despite knowing the obvious… it’s still so difficult to turn that into a reality.
How come?
But think about this: Does it have to be this way?
What if life was different?
What if you could be healthy enough that it meant not worrying every day that today is the day I’ll have a heart attack, or today is the day my diabetes will kick in. What if it meant you could play with your kids and keep up with them, without getting so out of breath that you need a ‘break.’
Or what if it simply meant getting your life back! Living with a clear head, feeling alive, stronger, and not having the nagging anxiety that something might go wrong (and soon).
Or being healthy enough to have the energy to do what you want – being able to walk and dance without your knees hurting, having great numbers on your blood work for cholesterol. Feeling great, sleeping well, and having zero anxiety around your weight.
Maybe it’s just as simple as being able to walk places without feeling tired, being able to see (and touch) your toes, with normal blood pressure and cholesterol – and being medication FREE.
What if food didn’t control your life?
In fact, when you follow a few key habits, success comes naturally.
Many of my clients started out as near-hopeless cases. One client was a 47-year-old mother of 3 and busy professional as an operations manager in the Midwest who not only had a high-pressure job, but had a husband who wasn’t too healthy, AND kids to take care of.
Her typical day involved being overworked and stressed out at work (thanks to the pressure of her boss), coming home and Craving a minute to just sit down for half a freaking second – decompress, and relax – often with a piece of pie or some cake – and then trying to take care of everyone else in the spare minutes she had. She had way too many other people to take care of before she took care of herself. When she reached out to me, she had tried it all – atkins, paleo, weight watchers – you name it.
There was a lot of confusion around “what really works” – since she had literally tried it all. The result ultimately was the same – progress for a few weeks, then back to square one once life got too stressful and overwhelming.
That was quickly followed by the guilty feeling (“I messed it all up again”) followed by a prolonged depression. “Why bother trying again if I’m just going to fail? I might as well eat all the good stuff and just die happy.” No joke – her exact words.
After a few months of going through this Dream Body habit change process, she started seeing results – and they stuck around – for the first time in a very long time. She realized that certain emotional, work, and stress habits were really the origin of her weight – and not her diet.
For the first time in a very long time she told me what it felt like to be “free of food” – which used to control her life, and was her go to “best friend” when she had too much to do at work, or at home. She came up with smart systems I know that if SHE could do it, you probably can too – no matter how many times you’ve struggled or failed before.
Not only do I have hundreds of successful students and clients, but I’m going to share with you what I learned studying a dozen people that lost 100+ pounds in a healthy way (without fads), in less than a year, and most importantly, kept it off years later.
I’m going to share their exact strategies and more shortly, but before we do, I realized that a big barrier to my clients being successful was NOT food… … But their own psychology. I want to share their best-kept secrets, techniques, and methods with you right now.
This Isn't Just Something That "Other" People Can Do. You Can Get Your Dream Body Even As a Busy Parent, Even If You Sit 10 Hours a Day, And Even If You Don't Have Any Time For Yourself Or The Gym
My client Sarah didn’t want to wake up, meticulously weigh her breakfast, count the calories, and then eat a meal half the size of what was filling.
She didn’t want to carry around her phone all day with the MyFitnessPal app tracking every freaking thing going into her mouth.
She didn’t want to eat massive amounts of boring, bland, cardboard-tasting health food that was five times the price of regular food.
And she didn’t have to.
To prove to her that changing simple habits, without fads, calorie counting, or obsessive workouts could produce startling changes in health (and weight), I told her about dozens of people I interviewed and studied, ones that lost 100+ pounds in a healthy way, and kept it off, and the key daily habits they practiced.
How 5 ordinary people from small town USA lost 100+ pounds (and kept it off), in a natural, healthy way -- and how you can too.
It can be really hard to relate to the people you see on the covers of magazines and in these silly “fitspiration” ads.
I mean, if I have 20, 30, 50 or 100 pounds to lose… looking at someone insanely fit on a magazine cover isn't inspiring at all, it just seems like more of a goal I can't reach.
But what If I told you that I have dozens of case studies of average men and women from all different walks of life that started off 75, 100, 130, or 150 pounds overweight – and just a year or two later they were living in an entirely different body.
Single parents, busy professionals, women over 40 – and everything in between.
Going for walks without being out of breath – for the first time in a decade.
High blood pressure – gone.
GI problems and IBS – gone.
Bowel issues, gone.
One person even went from over 300 pounds… to six pack.
Imagine that: just two short years ago, these people were clinically obese – heading down the road to an early grave. And in less than a year (for many of them) they were 100 pounds lighter.
They didn’t have any shortcuts you don’t have.
No secret pills, new diet fads or surgery.
In fact, they tried a lot of the stuff you probably tried or are trying.
They tried:
Calorie counting.
Paleo and other popular diets.
Eating less and moving more.
Actually – there were just a few key principles they ALL embodied. And it became more and more interesting, the more I interviewed these success stories, the more I noticed the same trends, these same principles over and over and over again. In fact, it was so obvious it was almost a slap in the face.
Now fast forward to today.
On person, Daniel, told me he went from spending 3 hours a day on the toilet (yes, you read that right) to less than 30 minutes.
One woman, Amanda, went from taking almost 15 pills to help her GI tract functional properly… to being on virtually none.
And another person went from hypertensive and prediabetic… to almost perfect blood work.
And these were all the result of just a few daily habits in particular.
But I found 6 common reasons, the biggest barriers, holding us back from the health and healthy weight loss we want.

Hi. I'm Alexander Heyne.
I'm the author of the book Master The Day, a speaker, coach and founder of Modern Health Monk - one of the top integrative health sites in the world, with millions of readers per year.
I’ve helped thousands of people learn to use the power of tiny habits to get the health, body and life they want.

Which One of These 6 Things Is Stopping You From Getting The Health (& Body) You Want?
After hundreds of my own successful students, and then studying these "dream body case studies," I was really curious about one thing:
The majority of us know what to do to get healthy (or at least have some vague idea, even if there is "diet confusion").
If we know what to do... but are still struggling with our weight and our health, what's holding us back?
When I dug deeper, I realized 6 main things held people back from getting healthy and healthy weight loss they wanted.
"I'm honestly not even sure what I should really be eating or doing at this point."
What should I really be eating? One website recommended going totally vegan and removing animal products, but another recommended going high protein. Should I really just go easy on the carbs? It's so frustrating seeing each "guru" have their own special 'unique" method.
Everyone seems to have their own "special" method for weight loss, but I just don't feel that much closer to my goal. Not knowing where I go wrong makes me very frustrated. Tony, R.
I don't know what to eat. I give up after two weeks because I just don't see myself losing weight. I feel depressed sometimes. Nel, T.
“I’m usually too tired and feel lazy by the end of the day.”
I just feel so lazy and tired when it comes time to do this stuff. How am I supposed to get motivated after working for the entire day and getting home late? I just want to sit down and relax with my family. I want to start working out and exercising but I just can’t seem to motivate myself to do it consistently.
I'm finding it really difficult to lose weight...I feel lethargic and lazy...I want to start working out at home but can not seem to motivate myself. 🙁 - Kelly, H.
The things don't turn me off, I guess I need to have more willpower. I know that I'm not lazy, but I feel lazy when I have to go to the gym or when I think about to start a new diet or so. But don't know the cue to make it start... - Laura T.
Consistency & Motivation: "The longest I stayed on one diet was four weeks, and fizzled out and went back to my old ways.”
How do you really stay consistent and on track? Coming home exhausted after a long day of work, how do you get yourself to exercise? Or to make dinner? It's the last thing you want to do when tired. And after you try to change your eating patterns, it usually ends up being the same thing: back to square one after life gets stressful.
The fact that they promise it's going to be easy or that it's a brand new thing that's going to make sure you never have to diet again. And what a surprise, after a couple of weeks to a month of believing/ following it you are back to square 1. - Linda, T.
I know that my lifestyle of bad eating habits, lack of movement(outside my job; I have a moderately physically job at UPS), and lack of sleep is contributing to my poor health. However, I tried to change my eating. I tried Paleo, low-carb, conventional diets. The longest I stayed on one diet was four weeks, and fizzled out and went back to my old ways. - Jillian, H.
After a setback last summer from a pinched nerve in my hip, I started working with a personal trainer once a week and have made improvements to my strength and cardio fitness levels, but I struggle with consistency to do work on my own. - Mark, R.
“I feel like I’m not going to succeed anyway… so why bother trying again?”
Why start again if I'm just going to fail? What's the point in even trying again after trying - and getting back to square one - many (maybe dozens) of times. Maybe it's time to just eat what you want because it means a lot less pain, frustration, and guilt than trying and failing yet again.
Hello, Mr. Heyne. I am struggling with my own fear of failure. I don't usually diet because I have pretty much given up since I have always failed. I have always been fat, at least from the age of 6. My grandmother would use weight loss as a methods of abuse. I won't go into that sordid history, but it has made me afraid of failure so I have learned to stop trying. However, I have dealt with depression for years and I'm sick of it all. At this point, it's either change or die. - Mary, H.
So I basically fall into the failure-doomed cycle of wanting to lose weight, making my mind up to exercise more and eat less, creating a regimen and vowing to stick to it, succeeding for a few weeks or possibly months, seeing little to no results, getting discouraged, saying "screw it," and then starting the cycle all over again a couple weeks later. - Sarah, J.
“It’s a hassle trying to cram hours of exercise or cooking into my daily routine that always seems full already.”
Who really has time to do all this stuff? Who has enough time to cram hours of exercise into into a daily routine that already always seems full? Or endlessly preparing (bland) healthfood meals ahead of time? A few minutes here and there would help, but life is so hectic right now.
I also feel like I have no time, the twins make life so hectic. I know a few minutes here and there would be better than nothing but I'm feeling defeated. - Mary, A.
The hassle of buying and preparing healthy foods. The hassle of starting a new routine. The hassle of cramming hours of exercise into my daily routine that seems always full all of the time. - Alex, Z.
...and needing to lose at least 60 more pounds and...I absolutely hate to exercise. I know eating for me is an emotional problem, not lack of info about how to eat. It is being 58, having an absolutely awesome cook for a husband, and preferring to read/relax than to exercise. - Katy, T
“I just love food... and don't want to give up the foods I love.”
I can't imagine removing good food from my life. What's the point in not being able to eat the foods I love? Food is always there for me at the end of a long day, it's one of those pleasures of life.
It's EATING too much and too often due to emotional issues stemming from going hungry as a kid. Food is safety. - Anthony, T.
Nothing is stopping me, but to maintain my enthusiasm seems to get harder the closer I get to my goal. My husband keeps junk food in the house which doesn't bother me when I'm in the zone. But sometimes lately I've been tempted and then feel bad when I give in and eat it. - Sally, T.
What stops me is my own attitude..being unable to self soothe without food..using food for makes me feel broken, less than, not good, not so easy to admit. - Sabrina, R.
Guess what? It's okay! We've all felt it.
Every single one of my clients and students and the dream body 100 lb case studies felt this massively at some point too.
Over time, my client learned not to avoid these major barriers - but to understand when they would crop up, and how she could work around them.
Every single one of the case studies I mentioned went through this phase - some people get stuck here, while others keep going.
But once you've figured out what holds you back, what's the next step?
Following a system for losing the next 5 healthy pounds, then 10, then 20, and beyond.
This led to two massive insights from the dream body case studies.
Habit and Insight #1: People who lose the most healthy weight - and keep it off - focus on the "What" and not the "how much"
Single Mother Lauryn Lost 100+ Pounds
Word for word, Lauryn said:
“Sure there is a period of withdrawal that feels like hunger, but here’s the thing; when you’re hungry, you should eat. I have never felt like I had to starve myself to lose weight. I changed the food choice, not the intake. “
She literally did not force herself to count calories or eat less food. She focused on the right foods, which are naturally filling and naturally lower in calories. So you feel full, WHILE eating less.

In my interview with Lamine, he said:
“ I didn’t focus on calories in the foods but the composition – the notoriously most fattening food are those where you find a high sugar and high carb content (like candy bars, refined flour snacks, etc.) Those were my 1st enemy.”
Once again he didn't focus on calories or count them. And he wasn't hungry. He simply focused on the what, and the natural calorie range for weight loss fell into place.
Insight #2: Normal People - Single Mothers, Women Over 40, Busy Professionals, & More - Could Change Tiny Habits to See Incredible Results - That Last

Lauryn - The Single Mother With Two Jobs
The first person I studied was Lauryn - a 25 year old single mother when she lost over 100 pounds. She was working during the day, attending classes at night for her master's degree, taking care of her 5 year old child (as a single mother), and still managed to apply a few key habit lessons to lose over 100 pounds - and keep it off.
Daniel - The Video Game Designer With Unsupportive Friends
Daniel was working in the video game industry when his weight had ballooned to well over 330 pounds. He started suffering from many many different health issues, like GI issues, pain, and he couldn't sleep through the entire night without waking up dozens of times.
One of the key pieces of advice Daniel gave in our live interview was 'You are worth it.'
Daniel didn't count calories, didn't even exercise at the start, and only focused on a few key principles to lose his weight. He lost the first 100 without exercise.

John Mack's 100+ Pound Weight Loss
John lost over 100 pounds in just 9 months but focusing on a few of the key habits I mentioned. First, no calorie counting. Second, he cultivated what's called a 'daily check-in ritual.' And third, he focused on what, not how much. And emphasized eating just 'real foods' along with several key habits changes.

Sol - Lifelong Overweight - From 300 Pounds to Six Pack
Sol was 'always a big guy' - it was almost a source of pride for him in the south.
In our interview, he told me he literally had never had a vegetable other than greens beans in his entire life.
But even though he didn’t “appear” to be doing that bad – inside was a different story. He didn’t recognize the person in the mirror, he was constantly depressed, unhappy, sick, and with agonizing, chronic back pain.
And in fact, he was continuing down a long, dangerous road, but it wasn’t until his mother was diagnosed with cancer that he realized he seriously needed to change things – right away. He ended up losing over 120 pounds and going from 300 pounds to six pack.
Amanda - The Grad Student With Almost 15 Health Conditions... That Vanished
Amanda was a sick and overly-medicated grad student. The list of her illnesses was quite large - severe cystic acne, GI problems so bad she had to take half a dozen pills just to have regular, under control bowel movements, sleep problems, high blood pressure, and she was prediabetic.
In a year she healed the vast majority of those problems, lost an insane amount of weight, and totally changed her life.

As I spent hundreds of hours profiling the successful habits and strategies of these people and my own students, I started to feel sick by the lies of the weight loss industry.
I wasn't only surprised... I was disgusted by what I saw.
Can you guess one of the main frustrations many of my own students share?
"I don't really know what I should be doing" - which has become such a big question because we're exposed to so many marketing messages on a daily basis about which program to join.
I realized that - honestly - most of the advice out there is just bad (hard to apply in daily life, or not practical), or flat out lies.
The Lies Of The Weight Loss & Health Industry
The honest truth about the health industry, is that most of the information given is either accurate, but impractical in the life of a busy parent, or it's just useless and vague.
Consider this:
Most of the internet is filled with articles like this (and unfortunately, yes, Dr. Oz too), with useless, vague advice like:
"Eat 100 fewer calories a day."
LOL! Life changing advice. Thank you Dr. Oz.
THEY SAY: Just eat less and move more, once you eat fewer calories you'll lose weight. It's really just a simple mathematical formula.
I SAY: Hah, can you envision yourself at 80 years old, grandma counting calories at the family Thanksgiving dinner - every meal - until you die? Not a chance. Is it practical? Can you really see yourself doing it forever? Is that a way to LIVE?
This is a classic example of the crap we have to deal with on a daily basis.
How do "calories" account for eating oreos vs. broccoli?
How does this "simple formula" account for the days when we don't sleep enough, when we emotionally eat, when we get into a fight with our spouse and need to decompress with food?
It doesn't. And that's because the formula is flawed.
Weight loss & health are about life, not a simple "eat less, move more" piece of advice.
It's all about habits: And here's proof that picking tiny habits works.
THEY SAY: You have to start exercising every single day.
I personally never understood this one - people claim that you need to work out two hours a day to see any results, and then they back it up by showing a P90x promotional video or some other ridiculousness.
Note: bodybuilders aren't us. We don't need to spend ten hours a week in a gym to see amazing results - in fact many of my students have lost (dramatic) weight without any exercise, and the ones that do fit it even a little bit see amazing results.
I SAY: When you eat the right stuff, you can lose weight even with minimal (or no) exercise.
Look at a case study I got from Boris recently:
What's more?
Boris is down almost 50 pounds now by following the exact same habits that helped him to lose the first 5.
And then a few months later, he sent me another email:
These are the facts.
I also learned something interesting: habits don't necessarily require massive amounts of time to change - so even a busy professional working 10 hours a day, or the parent with three children, a spouse, AND a busy routine can change SOMETHING.
In other words, when we focused on changing habits, rather than giving someone a two hour workout routine, almost everyone did it, and many got results like this:
Just look at some previous dream body students:
Or the "quick wins" that can happen when you focus on the RIGHT habits (and not stupid outdated advice like "just eat less.")
Or even fixing lifelong cravings and emotional eating by focusing on habits:
The Truth: The Old Approach DOESN'T Work
I realized that the "grind it out" approach just doesn't work for the average person.
I realized that the truth was much simpler, like all truths are.
Focus on food.
Focus on the RIGHT Food (real food).
Emphasize habits.
Pick simple, daily habits.
And then keep doing them, with support, accountability, inspiration, motivation and more.
And for the first time, people using this were not only seeing results (any fad diet can do that), but were keeping them off, and described these tiny habit principles as "really hitting home" and life changing.
This tiny habits approach worked so well that for the first time ever, I created the Rolls Royce program of healthy weight loss - using the power of habits.
Introducing Dream Body: The Anti Diet Solution

Dream Body: The Anti-Diet Solution is a six week online weight loss program that walks you through the six-part daily habit formula that I created after interviewing dozens of people that lost 100+ pounds, naturally, and kept it off.
(The entire program is over 25 hours of HD video. This isn't some simplistic $47 ebook).
The program has two phases and is six weeks - each week there are two aspects to your training to help you lose healthy weight.
Phase 1: In phase 1, each week you get a core training teaching you the daily step and habit to begin applying. Each week you also get bonus training - which is usually a LIVE interview and teardown - where I actually put the live interview of a 100+ lb success story, and we break down some key points.
Phase 2: In phase two, you get a daily habit and reminder that teaches you how to actually apply that habit to your lifestyle in a step-by-step manageable way. You'll be receiving a daily 5-7 minute video or text lesson in your email inbox - so you can quickly watch it or read it in the morning, and then apply a tiny habit throughout the day. Phase two lasts over two months, so you get over 60+ habit training lessons in addition to the core training.

How is Dream Body Different?

The Two-Part Habits-First Approach
Phase 1: The Six Habit Triggers
One of the core keys to Dream Body's effectiveness at delivering real results that stick around is that it addresses the underlying cause, not the symptoms, of weight gain: bad habits.
The core strength of the program lies in the two part system.
The first part focuses on teaching you the six key habits of people that lost 100+ pounds and kept it off. Each week you learn a new weight loss technique principle / habit, that gives you a piece of the formula.

Phase 2: The Micro Habit Formula
And the second part is the daily habit training. You get a 5-10 minute daily habit video or text lesson, where I coach you through a 5 minute change to implement today - super super simplified so it's easy to take action and not be overwhelmed. You get over two months (60+ lessons) in addition to the core training.
The premise is simple: easy, micro habit changes that are sustainable lead to much better results than large, sweeping lifestyle changes that happen quickly.
Makes sense, right?
"I've lost 14 pounds since beginning Dream Body."

My students from other programs:
“Lost 5-6 pounds in the last two weeks… I feel lighter…my stomach feels flatter.”

… And then one week later “Weighed in again this morning… down another 2 pounds.”

“I have for the first time in a long time, seen some results on the scale.”
I have for the first time in a long time, seen some results on the scale. In the last 1.5 to 2 weeks… I have lost about 5-6 pounds. But also I was thinking I lost a whole lost more because of how I feel. I feel lighter…my stomach feels flatter… I used to go down stairs kind of on one leg at a time holding onto the rail. This morning.. right down.. one foot after another. Very encouraging.
Mike, T. USA
This is a Health-First Approach
Has it ever occurred to you that, gee, maybe some of these crash diets are bad for your body?
Or that they destroy your metabolism?
Or that they cause rebound weight gain?
Or that the very recommendations they make (eat this, or don't eat that), or to take XYZ supplements or pills are not good for your body?
Dream Body is holistic and integrative for a reason: it's built with your health in mind first. At the end of the day, what's the point in losing weight if it just makes you sicker than before, right?
What's the point of getting lap band surgery if it makes you feel great now, but six months down the line causes scary medical complications?
The integrative approach works better for a reason - it's based on natural principles, behavioral change, and addressing the underlying causes.
What This Program Will Help You Do
- Know how to eat 'right' ... so that there's never stress about what to eat, what's healthy, and what's not
- Live and lead a healthy life... without depriving yourself
- Have unlimited energy so that you can do everything you want in life without being restricted
- Feel good about your body so that you'll be confident enough to go for anything
- Naturally eat when you're hungry, and stop when you're full so you can lose weight naturally without annoying calorie counting
- Make proper food decisions, control cravings, and have self-control again
- Stick to a healthy eating plan without wanting sugary, fatty foods
- Figure out portion control and not overeat, without even thinking about it, so you can enjoy guilt-free meals
- Choose food based on the needs of your body... and not your mind, so that you can regain control
- Enjoy life again - never obsess over food again, never worry about portions or calorie counting, and never experience cravings
See what other Modern Health Monk students have said:
"I have tried so many diets with so little success...It’s great to finally have the answers I’ve been looking for all in one place."
Thank you Alex for finally clarifying what it takes to lose weight. I have tried so many diets with very little success and even tried going to the gym only to end up frustrated and more confused. It’s great to finally have the answers I’ve been looking for all in one place. This is a welcome change and makes total sense. I will be not only making these changes in my diet but for my family too.
Marie-Laurence, M.
"I used to think that eating more often boosted your metabolism... It's kind of cool being able to eat every time you're hungry, staying full, and still losing weight."
Before I always used to think that eating meals more often will boost your metabolism, compared to eating fewer meals. But this program busted that myth big time. Now, I changed up what I’m eating at each meal and I’m feeling way more full now. It’s kind of cool being able to eat every time you’re hungry, staying full, and still losing weight.
Haroon R.
The Powerful Material In the Program
Module #1: The Great Diet Myth (What Really Sets Apart Successful "Maintainers" From People That Continually Struggle)
- The #1 mindset habit that the 100 pound case studies repeated over and over was responsible for their success
- The main reason why 99% of people fail to lose weight... and actually MAINTAIN it (Hint: it's the psychology of weight loss)
- My step-by-step framework for breaking down the weight loss process into its simplest, most important parts
- The three things that all experts agree upon, that's the most important facet of your health, weight, and energy
- The deep psychology behind these 6 success stories that maintained over 100 pound weight loss
Here's what other students have said about my advice and approach:
“I bought your course and I have to say… it’s awesome. You go into much more depth than many diet books or programs by discussing the psychology of losing weight.”
I bought your course and I have to say… it’s awesome. You go into much more depth than many other diet books or programs by discussing the psychology of losing weight. I think that the mind is 90 percent of the battle, because the body will respond to any change a person makes. For example eating a good, clean diet will help the body while eating a diet devoid of nutrition( like junk food) will harm the body. Unfortunately, I can talk from experience because my body has seen the effects of a junk food diet. I am only 23, but I feel so old. My body is always sore, especially my right shoulder which I injured at work( I have a part-time jobs a UPS where I load trucks with boxes) and right side of the hip. I can’t remember that last time I woke up rested from sleep, probably when I was a baby. I for a long time I didn’t make a health a priority. But, now I am realizing that my health should be number one because if I don’t have my health at good levels, I really don’t have the energy to to anything else in my life.
- Stephanie, M.
“At first I was hesitant because I figured since things were online, it wouldn’t work… but I’ve lost 3.5 pounds in 3 days.”
Matt G, UK“At first I was hesitant because I figured since things were on line, it wouldn’t work. But I’ve lost 1.5 kgs (3.5 pounds) in 3 days, and I don’t give up on food and exercise anymore. I love the timing of the messages, like just when you need another reminder, something new to dwell on, one zooms into my inbox. I feel like I’m part of a virtual group and that I’m not doing it alone. I have already told my mother and sister about it as well! What I love most about the program is that it focuses on psychology – because no other program does that.”
Nutritionist Neela: "What you've suggested is true and tested."

Module #2: Sustained Weight Loss Without Exercise: What On Earth Should I Really be Eating For Me & My Body Type?
- The one - and only - principle that 100% of the 100lb weight loss case studies used to figure out what to eat, when, and how much
- What a 4,000 year old ancient chinese manuscript will show you about how to INDIVIDUALIZE weight loss for yourself
- Fun meal planning that easily shows you what to eat - and how much (hint: no portion control at all)
- How to eat as much as you want... while still losing weight (you might be surprised)
- How to follow "ideal eating habits" when you're vegan or vegetarian, and don't have many healthy options around you
- If you get take out - what you should be eating to minimize weight gain
“At first I thought you were one of these crazy diet fad guys… but following your advice I’ve lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks.”
Marsha N, Australia“I have to admit, at first I thought you were one of these crazy diet fad guys… but following your advice I’ve lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks focusing on protein rich real food. What I love most are the quick reminders to to “automate” your health, versus just relying on willpower and motivation.”
"I was 88kgs 3 months ago, and now I'm 77... I don't restrict any food group" (24 pounds lost)

Module #3: The Insider Daily Ritual & Checkin: How to Create & Maintain Healthy Habits To KEEP Your Results For Life
- The one DAILY habit you can apply in less than 5 minutes that will transform your weight, and your entire life
- How to create and maintain good HABITS so you can put into practice all the things you already know
- The weird study I did that PROVED that WHAT you eat is as important as HOW MUCH
- The psychological technique for getting over low self esteem, a dark past, or a depressing weight loss history
- How to actually systematically identify your bad habits, and re-write them
- The key psychological studies that show you how to actually maintain a new behavior, habit or system to keep you slim and healthy
"... In just 4 days of being a part of your program, I have lost nearly 2 kgs (4.4 pounds)...I'm very happy to be seeing results already."

"Brilliant as always... you make it so easy to understand."

Module #4: 80/20 The Horsemen of The Health and Fat Apocalypse
- How to heal stressed adrenals and burn out, so you can speed up weight loss
- How to dramatically boost your body's ability to be healthy, by changing your sleep slightly
- The four common food groups you should eliminate immediately to reduce inflammation
- How to unlock your body's natural healing ability - the ability to burn fat more efficiently, and reverse chronic disease
"... Is actually working. I have lost 4.4 pounds this week!! I haven't particularly changed what I eat...Please keep the emails going."

"I'm only two weeks in this program (notice I call it a program and not a diet) and I notice how it is easier than trying to follow a diet."

Module #5: The Metabolism Kickstart, Beating Cravings & Preventing Fat Gain When You Binge
- Why the vast majority of us (90%+) likely have a hormonal imbalance preventing you from losing weight - and what to do about it
- How to "recover" that oomph in the bedroom (and in life), give yourself "christmas morning" energy, and heal exhausted adrenals
- The surprisingly ignored nutritional principle to naturally lower estrogen levels to allow weight loss
- (Men) How to boost your testosterone naturally - and be viagra-free for life while recovering your manliness
- (Women) How to stop having agonizing periods, heavy flows, insane cravings, horrible sleep, and zero energy... by rebalancing estrogen and progesterone
Module #6: Losing the Stubborn Last 5-10 Pounds & the Road Ahead
- An in-depth look at how to lose weight properly, healthily, and make permanent changes to your lifestyle over the long run
- Three "intangible" aspects of your life directly responsible for fat and weight gain
- How to manage food cravings, stop reaching for junk, and re-train your body to tell you when it's actually hungry
- Why our brain is the biggest obstacle to real, sustained weight loss, and the two techniques to fix it
- Why many people struggle to lose those last 10 pounds, and what to do about it
- How to shed the last few pounds even if you're a stressed, busy professional or mother
- Subtle tweaks to your diet and strategy to help kickstart that weight loss plateau and get over it
"I've lost 6 pounds in 6 days... without any dieting or exercise at all."

"Thank you for putting a new spin on this tough subject...I'm honestly already feeling better physically and emotionally."

.. PLUS: 5 bonuses, including live sit-down interviews with success stories.
LIVE Interview & Teardown: Daniel's 130 Pound Weight Loss
Daniel and I got on the phone for 30 or 40 minute and discussed his biggest tips for helping others lose 100+ pounds, as well as an in-depth look at how he achieved his personal weight loss:
- His saddest, darkest moment
- The exact DAY he realized that things needed to change
- His advice for people that are just looking to get started, or struggle from motivation issues
- How to overcome low self esteem
- How to beat emotional eating
- How to really be the 1% that succeeds when most others fail
- … And lots more
Bonus #2: Lauryn LIVE 45 Min Interview & Teardown.
In this in-depth 45 minute interview we jump into many key questions here:
- How, as a single mother, Lauryn found the time to do this
- The 30 minute (or less) exercise regime she did to lose 100+ pounds on a time crunch
- Her best tips for beating emotional eating
- How to beat sugar cravings
- The “what” not “how much” principle in action
- Previously things she tried… that failed.
- … And lots more
Bonus #3: Live 1 Hour Interview & Teardown with Amanda
Amanda and I had an awesome (hour long!) phone conversation about her story. I know you are going to LOVE this interview and tear down, because we jump a lot into the emotional stuff that’s going on here.
Amanda and I talk about:
- The huge emotional reason that she decided “today” she had to take care of everything and begin a healthier lifestyle
- Her big messup
- Her advice to others looking to get started
- The dozens of health problems she had before – that resolved after losing weight
- Her “real food” philosophy that reversed those dozens of health problems
- … And much more
Bonus #4: Live 30 Min Interview & Teardown And Strategy Call with Sol
Sol and I talked for over a half hour about the key strategies that helped him go from lifelong overweight guy (300 pounds) to six pack – and how you can start taking steps to do the same.
Sol and I talk about:
- The huge emotional reason that he decided “today” she had to take care of everything and begin a healthier lifestyle
- His big mess-up
- His advice to others looking to get started
- The dozens of diets and plans he tried that didn’t work for him long term
- His “sol food” philosophy that reversed those dozens of health problems and helped get him into insane shape
- … And much more
BONUS #5: 60 Day Priority Email Support
As part of the program, you’re going to get priority 60 day email support from me. This is something just for people in the Dream Body program.
Harass me all day long with your burning questions, and I'll get back to you within 24 hours.
My INSANE Guarantee: Try Dream Body: The Anti-Diet Solution for a Full 60 Days - 100% Risk Free

60 Day Money-Back Guarantee
If you don’t absolutely LOVE this program, I want to give you your money back. Look, the vast majority of people in the health industry try to show you some “revolutionary” B.S. But the truth is that weight loss is pretty simple (not easy), and anyone who tells you differently is a liar or is trying to sell you some stupid ab wheel. If this program doesn’t give you EVERYTHING you need – all the answers – I’ll give you all your money back. Just show me you did the work, and I’ll give you a 100% refund. I’m confident that if you do the work, you WILL get results.
Which Dream Body Option Is Right For You?
Dream Body Standard
A 100% Custom Nutrition Plan – $500 Value
You and I will have a back and forth email conversation, telling me your likes, dislikes, your goals, allergies, what you’ve tried, etc. and I will put together a custom nutrition plan – what to eat, when, and how much.
LIFETIME Subscription To the Real Food Weight Loss Tribe – $450/yr Value
The Real Food Tribe is a monthly coaching program where each month we have a live online health-related masterclass, including special guests, case studies of success stories, and a private Facebook community where people hold each other accountable. This is $450/year, but you’ll get lifetime access.
The Full 25+ hour Dream Body: Anti-Diet Program
You’ll get the entire Dream Body HD video lessons, and how to apply the program even as a busy professional, entrepreneur or mother juggling it all.
The 60 Day Daily Habit Training
Every day for over 60 days you are going to receive a daily video or text habit lesson that builds off the core training for the week.
Bonus Modules: Four Interviews & Case Studies
Detailed LIVE interviews with four people that lost 100+ pounds and kept it off. You’ll learn the exact strategies they used, and you can apply in your own life. You’ll learn exactly what mistakes they made so you can avoid them.
Four Recorded Coaching Calls
Every week you’ll get access to a coaching call where I answered burning questions from other students.
60 Day Priority Email Support
For an entire two MONTH period, you can ask me anything, and I’ll be here to answer your deepest, most pressing questions. Imagine having something that has been nagging at the back of your mind answered in five seconds?
5 Monthly Payments of Just $59
Have questions? I’d be happy to help. Just email me at
*NOTE: On the VIP option, if you ask for a course refund you will still be required to make three (3) payments for the custom nutrition plan.
Dream Body VIP
A 100% Custom Nutrition Plan – $500 Value
You and I will have a back and forth email conversation, telling me your likes, dislikes, your goals, allergies, what you’ve tried, etc. and I will put together a custom nutrition plan – what to eat, when, and how much.
LIFETIME Subscription To the Real Food Weight Loss Tribe – $450/yr Value
The Real Food Tribe is a monthly coaching program where each month we have a live online health-related masterclass, including special guests, case studies of success stories, and a private Facebook community where people hold each other accountable. This is $450/year, but you’ll get lifetime access.
The Full 25+ hour Dream Body: Anti-Diet Program
You’ll get the entire Dream Body HD video lessons, and how to apply the program even as a busy professional, entrepreneur or mother juggling it all.
The 60 Day Daily Habit Training
Every day for over 60 days you are going to receive a daily video or text habit lesson that builds off the core training for the week.
Bonus Modules: Four Interviews & Case Studies
Detailed LIVE interviews with four people that lost 100+ pounds and kept it off. You’ll learn the exact strategies they used, and you can apply in your own life. You’ll learn exactly what mistakes they made so you can avoid them.
Four Recorded Coaching Calls
Every week you’ll get access to a coaching call where I answered burning questions from other students.
60 Day Priority Email Support
For an entire two MONTH period, you can ask me anything, and I’ll be here to answer your deepest, most pressing questions. Imagine having something that has been nagging at the back of your mind answered in five seconds?
7 Monthly Payments of Just $77
Have questions? I’d be happy to help. Just email me at

What Will Life Be Like a Year From Now If Nothing Changes?
Last year, Jillian told herself that this year was going to be THE YEAR it all changed.
She was sick and tired of being uncomfortable with what she saw in the mirror. She was tired of seeing her friends because they all wondered what happened to her with her recent 30 pound weight gain. And to be honest, she was done with feeling like crap every single day – it made an already hard life that much harder.
So when the new year rolled around, she ambitiously set a huge goal for herself: start exercising five days a week, go on a cleanse, and finally bust that brain fog.
The first week she started off great, and knocked out 5/5 of those exercise days. Then, Friday rolled around, and it was her friends birthday – she drank a few margaritas, ate pizza, and then felt so guilty afterwards that on the weekend she gave up. “I ruined all my progress anyway.”
And not long after, she dropped the dreaded line, “I’m just too busy for this” and she quit.
Listen – Jillian did what she does EVERY YEAR – she sets these ridiculously large goals, she doesn’t try anything differently, and she thinks it’s all about hard work and massive discipline rather than changing habits.
If you want your life to look differently, you need to do something different, and here’s my invitation to you. Next year you can be in the exact same body and health, or you can feel incredible and be the person your friends always ask for health advice.